Soap Care for Leather

Danish-produced natural products since 1988.

Soap Care for Smooth Leather

Soap care for leather has roots in old traditions, dating back to the 19th century. This practice became popular because raw soap is gentle and effective for cleaning and maintaining leather without damaging its natural oils and structure — and it remains so to this day.

Leather is an incredibly durable material that can last for many years if properly cared for and maintained. Regular care of leather is essential to preserve its suppleness and resistance to daily wear and tear. We recommend our unique care soap for this purpose, a 100% natural care product, free from salts, lime, and minerals — and we are proud of it.

When you choose to treat your leather with soap, it is important to ensure that the soap has a high fat content of around 80%, is acid-free, and vegetable-based. micare care soap is the perfect solution. Note that the sponge will never become completely clean during cleaning. When the dirt is removed and color transfer appears on the sponge, you have finished the treatment.

How we recommend you clean and maintain your smooth leather:

Before you start, make sure you have the following ready:

  • micare care soap
  • A clean soft brush
  • A large soft cloth, preferably microfiber.
  1. Before you begin, ensure that loose dust, sand, or hair is removed using a dry, soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.
  2. Moisten the provided Oeko-Tex certified sponge, wring it out lightly, and make sure the sponge is not so wet that it drips.
  3. Apply soap to the sponge, lather it up in your hand by pressing on the sponge.
  4. Massage the soapy lather into your smooth leather in circular motions. Work on one surface at a time and finish it before moving on.
  5. If there is soap left after the treatment that hasn’t absorbed, wipe it off with a dry, soft cloth. A soft brush can help get into all the seams.

If you need to rinse the sponge during the process, clean it and create new care foam. We recommend soap care 2-3 times a year.

Placing leather near windows with direct sunlight, under strong heat sources like spotlights, or close to radiators can cause it to dry out faster. In such cases, expect to treat it four times a year. Usually, you can see and feel if the leather is dry and in need of care. Over-treatment is not recommended.

In rare cases, additional treatment with a leather balm may be necessary. If you are in doubt, feel free to contact us.

The only type of smooth leather we do not recommend treating with soap is natural-vegetable leather (undyed leather).

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